Professional Experience

Professional Experience

2008 to Present – Consultant, Organizational Leadership, Educational Technology, Board Development, CEO Coaching, Manager Mentoring, Group Facilitation, Resolving Conflict, Teaching and Learning, Bethel, Pennsylvania, and, South Pasadena, Florida.

Responsible for facilitating the objectives of organizations.

2014 to Present – National Faculty Member, National Institute of School Leadership, Washington, District of Columbia.

Responsible for working with educators to refine educational leadership skills to improve student achievement in Alabama, Kentucky, Missouri, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and, Tennessee.

2012 to Present– Adjunct Professor, Alvernia University, Reading, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for instructing the required doctoral level courses, “PhD 807: Curriculum, Culture and Instructional Leadership” and “PhD 830: Current Issues in Education” as well as administrative certification courses “MED 553: The School Administrator” and “MED 685 Principal Internship.”

2010 to 2012 – Director of Education Leadership and Development, Adelphoi Education: A Service of Adelphoi USA, Latrobe, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for building collaborative relationships with educational institutions in eastern Pennsylvania providing the opportunity for at-risk/disruptive students to gain academically, behaviorally, and socially.

2009 to Present – Reviewer, Invitation to Qualify, Pennsylvania Department of Education, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for assessing quality of program applications designed for administrators’ professional development.

2009 to Present – Content Reviewer, Pennsylvania Department of Education, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for assessing quality of program applications designed by higher education institutions certifying superintendents and other school administrators.

2009 to Present – Facilitator, Corollary Standards, Pennsylvania Leadership Development Center, Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership Initiative, Pennsylvania Department of Education, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for working with administrators to refine educational leadership skills to improve student achievement.

2008 to Present – Certified Facilitator, National Institute for School Leadership, Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership Initiative, Pennsylvania Department of Education, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for facilitating programs designed for administrators to improve student achievement.

2006 to Present – Developer, Leadership Essentials for Administrator Development, Pennsylvania Leadership Development Center, Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership Initiative, Pennsylvania Department of Education, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for revising, in part, a program designed for superintendents, other central office personnel, and principals to improve student achievement.

2006 to Present – Facilitator, Leadership Essentials for Administrator Development, Pennsylvania Leadership Development Center, Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership Initiative, Pennsylvania Department of Education, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for facilitating programs designed for superintendents, other central office personnel, and principals to improve student achievement.

2006 to 2012 – Mentor, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, Principals Leadership Induction Network, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for working with individual principals new to their positions.

Fall 2008 – Interim Director for Instructional Support Services, Schuylkill Valley School District, Leesport, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for primarily directing special education as well as federal programs, English as a Second Language Program, and alternative education.

2006 to 2008 – President and CEO, Micro Technology Groupe, Inc., Bristol, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for overall management of the corporation.

2007 to 2008 – Education/Technology Consultant, Conrad Weiser Area School District, Robesonia, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for planning, coordinating, and implementing a strategy for the effective use of instructional technology.

2002 to 2006 – Superintendent of Schools, Wyomissing Area School District, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for conducting all business related to the functioning of a public school district with 1,800 students and a budget of over $19 million.

1995 to 2002 – District Superintendent, Susquenita School District, Duncannon, Pennsylvania.

Responsible for conducting all business related to the functioning of a public school district with 2,500 students and a budget of over $21 million.

1992 to 1995 – Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Phoenixville Area School District, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.

Responsibilities included but were not limited to assisting the superintendent in all business related to the functioning of the school district that housed 3,080 students with a budget of $29 million; assumed superintendent responsibilities in the superintendent’s absence; K-12 curriculum sequence; K-12 curriculum revision cycle development; K-12 curriculum committee development; Instructional technology; all grant programs; public relations; oversaw personnel, special education, transportation, curriculum; and numerous ad hoc committee chairmanships. In addition, served as interim superintendent for five months.

1987 to 1992 – Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction, Northern Lebanon School District, Fredericksburg, Pennsylvania.

Responsibilities included but were not limited to K-12 curriculum sequence, K-12 computer program, federal programs, in-service programs and evaluations, professional development programs, induction program, district publications, adult education program, and, strategic planning.

1985 to 1987 – Assistant High School Principal/Junior High School Principal, Northern Lebanon School District, Fredericksburg, Pennsylvania.

Duties encompassed student discipline, secondary special education program including gifted education, direction of student and faculty activities, coordination of secondary TELLS program, employment of professional staff, development of school curriculum, teacher training.

1973 to 1985 – Teacher, Pocono Mountain School District, Swiftwater, Pennsylvania.

Courses taught spanned fifth grade through eighth grade in the middle school and various elementary schools and encompassed all academic disciplines. In addition, summer school sessions and homebound instruction were taught and responsibility for implementation of gifted education program was assumed.

Extensive Travel

Asia (Japan)

Europe (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Vatican City, Wales)

Central America (Costa Rica)

North America (Canada, Mexico, USA)

South America (Ecuador, Peru)

Africa (Botswana, Egypt, Morocco, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe)

Middle East (Oman, Turkey, United Arab Emirates)

Caribbean (Antigua, Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Haiti, Martinique, St. John, St. Martin)

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